The latest version will always be available online on the X‑Plane website. This is version 11.50 of the manual to the home and professional versions of X‑Plane (X-Plane 11 and X‑Plane 11 for Professional Use, respectively). A Digital Copy of X-Plane Is Not A Backup.The Digital Download Version of X-Plane Requires an Internet Connection to Run.A Digital Download Product Key Is Like a Credit Card Number.My PC Freezes after Running X-Plane a While.The Simulator's Measurement of Time is Slow.Airplanes Flutter and Crash in the Simulator.X-Plane Gives Errors about Missing DLLs, or There Are Strange Graphical Anomalies.The X-Plane Installer Fails to Extract a File.Water World, or "Help, there's water everywhere!".Projector Setup for X-Plane Professional.Lining Up the Horizon (Without Vertical Offsets).Networking Multiple Computers for Multiple Displays.Driving Multiple Displays from One Computer.Tuning the Handling of Aircraft in X-Plane.Expert Essays: Unleashing the Full Potential of the Simulator.Flying a Boeing 747 with the Piggybacking Space Shuttle.Using an Instructor Operator Station (IOS) for Flight Training.Heading, Altitude, Vertical Speed, Speed Hold, Flight Level Change, and Auto-Throttle.

Flying an Instrument Approach in X-Plane.Gyroscopes and Their Application in Flight.Navigation, Autopilots, and Flying on Instruments.Changing How Damage Affects the Aircraft.Viewing the Behind-the-Scenes Flight Model.Replaying a Flight from a Flight Data Recorder (FDR).

Configuring Essential Yoke/Joystick Functions.About the Versions of the X-Plane Simulator.Getting into your virtual 787 X-Plane cockpit and enjoying a long haul flight. The latest wide-body airliner developed by Boeing has now landed in our shop - the "787" (aka Dreamliner).